My name is Katie, and yes I write about traveling, but a touch more non-traditionally than some of the others. I won't regurgitate a list to you about the best places to drink wine or the cultural traditions of a place I haven't visited yet. I only want to bring you the real deals and experiences from one consistently-next-to-broke person to another.
My husband told me once that I hated all of my past jobs because I couldn't be the boss of those situations. I think in the moment he was mocking me, but he had a point. I am the type of person who doesn't follow the traditional rules. I learn the rules so I can teach myself how to bend them into something I see more fit for my sense of freedom and goals (and pocketbook). I ask "How can I mold this set of guidelines to work out best for me?" -as any good rebel would! So, as a person who threw away the rule book in, probably, middle school, allow me to openly discuss my food and world journeys with you in the only way I know how- sassy and inexpensive.
I've planned all of my vacations for weeks before going. I once found a Celebration (Orlando) hotel near Disney World for $36 a night! I put in the research, I dig around for coupons and deals, and I talk. A lot. It's exhausting sometimes. So, with all the love of a great deal, I am starting to track my own adventures in the hope that it can provide even one person some ease in their travels plans or ideas. I'm not a luxury brand type of girl and I don't pretend to be. I learned from my mama to always get the best deal, and now I'm putting my lifelong lessons into the greatest adventures I can muster and writing it all down to try to save you from having to spend weeks doing the same.
My goal is to help provide honest feedback, explore more and eat as many desserts as possible. I'd like to one day be a Nomad but for now thrifty travels every few months will have to do.
My name is Katie, and yes I write about traveling, but a touch more non-traditionally than some of the others. I won't regurgitate a list to you about the best places to drink wine or the cultural traditions of a place I haven't visited yet. I only want to bring you the real deals and experiences from one consistently-next-to-broke person to another.
I've planned all of my vacations for weeks before going. I once found a Celebration (Orlando) hotel near Disney World for $36 a night! I put in the research, I dig around for coupons and deals, and I talk. A lot. It's exhausting sometimes. So, with all the love of a great deal, I am starting to track my own adventures in the hope that it can provide even one person some ease in their travels plans or ideas. I'm not a luxury brand type of girl and I don't pretend to be. I learned from my mama to always get the best deal, and now I'm putting my lifelong lessons into the greatest adventures I can muster and writing it all down to try to save you from having to spend weeks doing the same.
At Efteling in Holland